Friday, November 18, 2011

Athlete Tracking for Ironman Arizona

Well hello again, one last time before the race.  I'm not 100% sure that any of this tracking stuff will work, because it seems like there's typically a few bugs in the system, and there's also no way to check prior to the actual race.  But, if any of you are interested in checking in on my progress, or The Captain's progress, there's a few things you can do.

First, you can go to  This page should contain audio and video updates, as well as the ability to search for athletes by name or bib number.  The last time I checked, I was bib# 1026 and The Captain was bib# 1096.  The other place you can go to look for some info is and look around for info there.  (the links I've posted are actually for Ironman Arizona specifically, so just go ahead and click on those and they should take you right to the info!).

Other than that, I will post something if I find out any other way to do athlete tracking.  If not, I'll be posting how the race went once I'm all done!

1 comment:

  1. tomorrow is the day in which everything comes together. you are experienced, you are prepared, you are confident and you have the challenge of putting it to mr. byrnes :) . . you have raised the bar this year and have entered into the realm of actually racing. i believe you have done an excellent job during the year leading up to this day.
    the journey has been long, while the race is only one day.
    enjoy your race day, drink it in and savor your race day.
    race smart,
    race strong,
    race well,

    we will be rooting for you . . .
